
Supply Chain

Find and eliminate the hidden risks in your supply chain.

Supply Chain


This centralized platform enables proactive identification and mitigation of supply chain vulnerabilities, risks, and opportunities within the national security industrial base.

FOCI Navigator

Map connections to identify and mitigate foreign ownership, control, and influence risks

Ark platform screenshot of FOCI Navigator flow chart
Ark platform screenshot of M&A Analysis of Apple international in tables

M&A Analysis

Analyze M&A impacts on your supplier base to identify and mitigate program and FOCI risks

Vendor Due Diligence

Streamline collaborative report generation to drive rapid decision-making

Ark platform screenshot of documents to download


Supplier Risk Mitigation
Demand Planner
Part Replicator


Department of health and human services USA - logo
Program executive office aviation - logo
Defense Informations Systems Agency - logo
Defense Logistics Agency - logo



A major federal healthcare agency lacked real-time insights into its vendor and award ecosystems, especially for mission-critical functions handling sensitive information. Reliance on static, manual spreadsheets led to significant risk assessment backlogs and vulnerability to potential risks.


Ark's Supply Chain Application provided comprehensive visibility into the award ecosystem, vendors, and supply chain connections. It eliminated data silos, enabling enterprise-wide due diligence and supplier monitoring at scale. Ark's Custom Report Generator (CRG) automated vendor risk assessment reporting.


The agency shifted to proactive risk management with tailored risk indicators. CRG condensed a year's workload to two months, decreasing reporting time by 83% and increasing output by 500%. The agency now monitors 4,900 awards, 1,800 vendors, and 167,000+ supply chain connections, significantly expanding risk assessment capabilities.
Increase in report generation efficiency
Reduction in reporting time